The Impact Of Peer Pressure

Why am I so obsessed by the psychology of our choices?  Because I am constantly amazed by some of the silly choices I have made and continue to make.  We sometimes make choices when we don’t have all the facts and later have regrets.  Many people make choices because they want to impress others, they want to fit in; yet, making those choices do not really impress anyone and rarely do you actually feel as if you fit in once you have behaved in a manner that is not normal for you. 

So many children, teenagers and young adults are constantly faced with the problem of peer pressure. Believe it or not, you do not have to give into peer pressure.  As scary as it sounds, you can be an individual. Yet to have that conviction, you must have a strong sense of self-worth, self-esteem.  Too many people feel inadequate or not good enough either because of parental influence or the influence of their peers.  So what hope do they have?  Who can they turn to for guidance when their parents are the ones responsible for destroying their confidence?  Teachers are still a good source of positive influence; church leaders; a trusted older relative and the parent of a good friend. 

You do not have to feel alone with nowhere to turn.  There is always someone out there willing to help you, just be careful to choose the right person.  We often do not think of some issues, either because we are naïve enough to think they can’t happen to us or because we are truly ignorant of such things. When we get pushed into a corner we think we have no choice but to choose the wrong thing, but believe it or not, even when it is not easy, we can always choose right.


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