10 things I learned about Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s Disease: the dreaded disease no one likes to think about, much less talk about.

  • Acceptance that your loved ones have the disease makes it easier for you to cope as well as helping your loved ones to cope.
  • It requires an abundance of patience.
  • It strikes when you lease expect.
  • While there are similarities in the presentation of the disease in some people, some have their own unique presentation.
  • The pathology is multi-factorial.
  • There can be an erratic progression of the disease.
  • It is a very deceptive disease – you think your loved ones are okay one minute, and reality strikes in the next minute when you realize that they will never be okay again.
  • It is a silent killer – your loved ones lose their ability to communicate their feelings, needs, thoughts or wants.
  • Aggressive behavior is often their way of trying to fight off the reality that they are losing control of their mind and the situation.
  • At the end of the day, all you can do is love them and make them as comfortable as possible while helping to maintain as much of their dignity as possible.

There is an abundance of support available for people who have loved ones suffering from this disease. Take the time to seek some out and educate yourself about the disease; while it can be painful to accept that your loved ones have this disease, it helps you to get a better understanding of the complex nature of Alzheimer’s. Ultimately, knowledge helps in your acceptance.

You can never fully understand a person until you have walked a mile in his/her shoes”; sadly, even after walking a mile in the shoes of someone with Alzheimer’s disease, you may never fully understand the disease.

If you care for someone with the disease, do not forget to take care of yourself. While family and friends provide a lot of comfort and support; you may find it beneficial to seek the help of a professional.

SOURCE OF IMAGE: Creative Commons

1 Comment

  1. We can never walk in the shoes of someone with Alzheimer’s – to do so will mean that we are dealing with all that the disease brings. I am currently caring for my mom who has Alzheimer’s, and it is the most difficult situation I’ve ever been in. There’s a bucket that remains full of emotions that constantly reoccurs. In order to continue the journey (and yes, it is a journey) of caring for your loved ones, you MUST take care of yourself as well. As the disease chips away at your loved one’s being, it also chips away at the caregiver’s.

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