Education-another passion of mine


EDUCATION: the Oxford Dictionary defines it as the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is also a body of knowledge acquired while being educated.

Have you ever wondered why you believe and do some things? You cannot explain it; however, you feel driven, almost compelled to. I believe that I MUST give back to the community, even if it’s in a small way. I tried to give back by volunteering (I did so for seven years) but that did not work; then I created a summer internship (this lasted two years) to give minority high school students an opportunity to be exposed to the field of medicine (sadly it ended when I changed my job location); and now, I give back by trying to help minority students gain access to the necessary tools to foster their education.

I am very passionate about this; yet, I do not jump up and down on the roof top shouting to the world. The bible says to seek wisdom and you do so in part by educating yourself. While formal education may not be for everyone, I highly recommend it as a step to the acquisition of wisdom. Knowledge is power, if you do not educate yourself, you may find out too late that you have missed out on some amazing opportunities.

In 2017 Serve and Rally, a subsidiary of Reghal Media, LLC, created a scholarship to honor one of the greatest educators ever, Dr. Lloyd Sherman. While we did not have an appropriate candidate last year; we are very pleased to announce that we have our first recipient this year. We hope that we will have another excellent candidate next year and in the years to come. We thank CEYE for giving us the opportunity to give back.

SOURCE OF IMAGES: serveandrally

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